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To inspire an alternative mixed-use vision for the UMCH property, for the enjoyment and well-being of all, now and in perpetuity.

Our Letter to Senior Leadership at Lifestyle Communities

| PCPW Co-chairs | ,

Dear Friends and Supporters,

We sent a letter directly to senior leadership at Lifestyle Communities last week, and we wanted you to know about it. It is copied in full at the end of this email. We believe the letter gets to the heart of the matter at UMCH, and articulates the basic principles at stake.

We asserted in our letter that Worthington residents have “an inviolable stake in the outcome at the UMCH.” Why? Because we have invested and built our lives here. This is our home. And the UMCH land, with its notable history and natural character, is inseparably woven into the fabric and character of our city. We told Lifestyle that this is why “the community’s vision for the land has been at fundamental odds with that of your development company. This will not change.”

We urged them to pursue a just resolution to the conflict by selling the land at a profit. We argued that “your business interests—financial and relational—can be advanced by departing from Worthington.” Lifestyle purchased the UMCH property at a discounted price of $5.2 million. We are confident they can find a suitable buyer, and that we can help them do so.

Unfortunately, Lifestyle has chosen to further their ongoing effort to bully Worthington. You may recall that Lifestyle’s lawsuit against our city was summarily dismissed at the end of December (see “Good news has arrived for Worthington!”). On Friday, Lifestyle filed an appeal of the judge’s decision. This appeal is frivolous, and it is hostile to our city. It is simply a continuation of their coercive efforts to break our will. They will fail.

We will write more about the appeal process in a coming post, and what our options are as a community.

In the meantime, if you or a friend, neighbor, or family member have not yet signed the PCPW petition, here’s the link:

Full text of PCPW’s letter to Lifestyle:

Dear Mr. Brownlee and the Senior Management at Lifestyle Communities,

From the Project Community Park Worthington (PCPW) co-chairs, we hope that you are well as we head into this new year. We also wish the best for you and all of your colleagues, far and wide.

We send this letter to you as an appeal. An appeal not from the City of Worthington, our local governing body and the object of your recent lawsuit, but from the many residents of our 5,000 household community. We hope, with the recent dismissal of your lawsuit, that the path forward can take a turn in a positive and productive direction for all.

For over a decade, many thousands of Worthingtonians have repeatedly advanced the simple idea that we, as homeowners and inhabitants who have invested and built our lives here, have an inviolable stake in the outcome at the UMCH property that you now own.

We say this because the UMCH property is not trivial or peripheral to our community. It is, in fact, central and unique. Worthington has evolved and developed around this historic parcel of land, which operated for nearly a hundred years as a nurturing home for children in need, embedded in the very heart of our community. This land—its notable history and natural character—is inseparably woven into the deep fabric and distinctive character of our city. This is something that Worthingtonians feel passionate about—and is why the community’s vision for the land has been at fundamental odds with that of your development company. This will not change. Please know that.

We ask that you put yourselves in our shoes. We do so for you. We fully acknowledge your rights as property owner, within the constraints of our codes and laws. We seek nothing unfair, or unjust, or unreasonable. Or, unprofitable for you.

We believe that a just outcome at UMCH can be achieved for all interested parties—Lifestyle Communities, the residents of Worthington, and the City itself. Based on your discounted purchase price of $5.2 million from UMCH, we are confident that Lifestyle Communities can dispose of the property while realizing a significant profit. Your business interests—financial and relational—can be advanced by departing from Worthington. We are confident that a suitable buyer can be found. After a decade of fruitless and unproductive conflict, we urge you to do so. We are certain we can help you to do so. To your benefit. Please do consider.

We thank you for listening to our appeal. We earnestly seek an outcome at UMCH that is fair to all and in the best interests of you and the community of Worthington.


PCPW Chairs
Roger Beck and Scott Taylor